Mental Health

This study finds a major cause of social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety can be a highly debilitating psychiatric disorder with negative impacts on the individual’s relationships and working life. In a recent study published in Molecular...

Chemical imbalance theory of depression: clearing up some misconceptions

The scale of the response to our recent study finding that there was no support for the idea that low serotonin causes depression –...

Exposure to sunny, hot and humid weather triggers severe mental disease symptoms

Scientists from the University at Albany found that exposure to sunny, hot, and humid weather can trigger severe symptoms of mental disorders, requiring emergency...

Ultra-processed foods may make you feel anxious or depressed

Scientists from Florida Atlantic University found that ultra-processed foods may make people feel anxious or depressed. Although ultra-processed foods are convenient, low cost, quick to prepare...

Acute kidney injury could strongly harm your emotions

In a study from the University of Pittsburgh, scientists found acute kidney injury (AKI), or a sudden case of kidney failure or kidney damage,...

Scientists find a drug that can reduce depression and suicidal thoughts

Scientists from the University of Exeter found ketamine therapy has a swift short-term effect on reducing symptoms of depression and suicidal thoughts. They analyzed evidence...

“Magic mushrooms” may help treat alcohol addiction, study finds

In a study from NYU Grossman School of Medicine, scientists found two doses of psilocybin, a compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, reduce heavy drinking...

Common liver drugs may help treat PTSD, study finds

More than 6 percent of Americans will develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their lifetime. This potentially chronic condition disrupts lives and can lead to...

Meaningful PTSD decrease may halve risk of type 2 diabetes

In a study from Saint Louis University, scientists found treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that leads to an improvement in symptoms was linked...

Scientists find eyes can show signs of ADHD, autism

In a recent study from Flinders University and elsewhere, scientists found that the eyes may be able to signal neurodevelopmental disorders such as both...