Mental Health

Scientists find rising suicide rates among older men

Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has highlighted a worrying increase in suicide rates among older men in the...

Growth hormone plays a big role in mental health

Researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil have made a groundbreaking discovery about growth hormone (GH), a key player in building bones...

Gut health plays a big role in social anxiety disorder

A team of researchers from University College Cork in Ireland, along with a colleague from University Hospital Frankfurt in Germany, have made a significant...

Bipolar disorder linked to early death

Living with bipolar disorder, a serious mental illness that can cause extreme mood swings, is not only challenging but also linked to an increased...

Scientists find new causes of autism and other mental disorders

In recent decades, scientists have made great strides in understanding psychiatric disorders. They've identified various genetic mutations and protein dysregulations that could be behind conditions...

Healing beyond the body: integrating mental health in trauma care

Hospitals that prioritize mental health support for trauma survivors during and after their treatment see fewer patients returning in crisis, a new study reveals. This...

Overactive bladder not linked to sleep and mood problems

A recent study published in Neurourology and Urodynamics on December 18 brings new insights into the experience of individuals with overactive bladder (OAB). Conducted by...

Living with a depressed loved one could harm mental, financial health

Recent research has uncovered the broader impacts of depression, extending beyond the individuals directly affected by the condition. This study, led by Paul Greenberg of...

New group therapy could help treat PTSD

A novel eight-week program combining compassion and mindfulness has shown remarkable effectiveness in alleviating post-traumatic stress symptoms, according to a study conducted by researchers...

Scientists find a big cause of depression in older people

A groundbreaking study from Colorado State University, led by Stephen Aichele and his team, has shed new light on depression in middle-aged and older...