
Treatment of sleep apnea may help reduce depression

Patients who have had a stroke or heart attack are prone to suffer from low mood and are 2 to 3 times more likely...

Common bowel problems linked to depression

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of conditions in which the intestines become inflamed (red and swollen). Two major types of IBD are Crohn’s...

Air pollution may increase depression and suicide risk

In a new study, researchers found that people exposed to higher levels of air pollution are more likely to experience depression or die by...

Scientists find new way to help people with chronic pain, depression

In a new study, researchers found that patients with chronic pain and depression who participated in medical group visits to learn mindfulness techniques were...

Cancer-related distress: Don’t just take it. Talk about it.

Feeling anxious, sad or helpless? Having trouble concentrating, sleeping or completing everyday tasks? Worrying about family members, work or finances? Mental health professionals sum up troubles...

In the long run, drugs and talk therapy may treat depression equally effective

Spending an hour in talk therapy with a trained counselor costs much more, and takes more time, than swallowing an inexpensive antidepressant pill. But in...

Who gets depression under intense stress? Scientists find a way to predict

Depression doesn’t come from one gene, one life event, or one personality trait. That’s what makes it so hard to predict, prevent or treat...

More and more people with depression use cannabis for treatment

In a new study, researchers found over the past decade (2005-2017), the prevalence of cannabis use in the United States has increased among persons...

Signs of workplace depression everyone should know

One in five Americans experience symptoms of depression during their lifetime. And yet, a distinct stigma still exists around the topic, especially in the workplace,...

E-cigarette use linked to high depression risk

In a new study, researchers found that e-cigarette users were twice as likely than people who had never used e-cigarettes to report having depression. The...