
Sleep loss may predict depression, thinking problems in older people

In a new study, researchers found that insomnia may strongly increase the risk that older adults will be unable to shake off depression. The research...

This new therapy could treat depression more effectively

In a new study, researchers found a new therapy is better at treating depression than cognitive-behavioral therapy—or CBT—seen as the gold standard by psychologists. The...

New finding may help develop effective treatment for depression

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, striking as many as one in four women and one in eight men in their lifetimes. While...

Persistent insomnia could mean persistent depression in older people

In a new study, researchers found older people with depression may be at a much higher risk of remaining depressed if they are experiencing...

Stress, sleep and the coronavirus: What you can do

With the ongoing uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and self-isolation, many people are experiencing increased stress. Whether it’s financial strain, loss of control or worries...

This stuff in blood may show early warning sign of depression

In a recent study from Fujita Health University, researchers found that high levels of anthranilic acid in the blood may serve as a marker...

This mood function is low or even absent in people with depression

In a new study, researchers found that periods of lockdown during the COVID-19 situation likely to exacerbate problems with mood regulation. The mood varies from...

Single dose of this drug may help reduce anxiety and depression for a long...

According to statistics from several sources, close to 40 percent of the global population will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, with a...

In wake of COVID-19 pandemic, a crashing wave of brain and mental health problems?

In a new paper, researchers suggest that in the aftermath of the novel coronavirus pandemic, a host of neuropsychiatric challenges may remain—or emerge—for those...

Depression, anxiety may be big side effects of COVID-19 lockdown

In a new study, researchers found that millions of Americans are being impacted by the psychological fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic...