Pain Management

More Americans turn to alcohol to dealt with pain than Canadians

Many people experience pain in their daily lives, and they employ various methods to manage or alleviate it. A recent study conducted by researchers at...

Vitamin K1-rich diet may reduce fracture risk in older women

As we age, the risk of fractures, especially hip fractures, becomes a significant concern, leading to disability and even higher mortality rates. However, a study...

Blood pressure drugs boost brain’s natural opioids, may treat opiate addiction

In a breakthrough study published in Science, researchers from the University of Minnesota Medical School have uncovered a surprising effect of blood pressure medications...

This treatment benefits some chest pain patients

A recent study led by researchers at Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust suggests that some patients with chest pain due...

Patients get fewer opioid prescriptions after surgery, study finds

A study published in JAMA Network Open highlights the trends in post-surgery pain relief prescriptions over the past seven years, with a focus on...

Scientists find effective treatment for back pain

Back pain is a common problem that affects nearly 40% of adults. Many people suffer from low back pain due to degenerating disks in...

Chronic wounds pose big health burden, study finds

Chronic wounds, which do not heal within four weeks, impose a substantial economic burden on Singapore's healthcare system. A recent study led by Duke-NUS Medical...

Scientists find new way to managing opioid use in hospitals

Opioid medications, including morphine and oxycodone, are powerful pain relievers that have brought relief to countless patients suffering from severe pain. However, they come with...

New drug offers hope for cancer patients with nerve pain

When cancer patients undergo chemotherapy, they often face a common and distressing side effect: neuropathic pain. This pain can be so severe that some...

Mindfulness may prevent opioid-dependence in women

A pilot study conducted by Rutgers University explores the potential of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE) as an intervention to prevent relapse in women with...