Pain Management

A new hope for chronic pain sufferers: Reducing dependence on opioids

Scientists from the University of Warwick and The James Cook University Hospital have found a possible solution for dependence on opioids.

The mystery of a woman who doesn’t feel pain: Scientists dive deeper

Who is Jo Cameron? Imagine if you could touch a hot stove or trip and scrape your knee but not feel any pain. It sounds...

An apple a day keeps frailty at bay: The flavonol frailty fighter!

Consuming plant-based foods that contain dietary compounds called flavonols, such as quercetin found in apples and blackberries, may reduce the risk of developing frailty in older adults.

Chronic pain can be objectively measured using brain signals – new research

Using a brain implant that can record neural signals over many months, my research team and I have discovered objective biomarkers of chronic pain...

Your thoughts can cause neck and back pain during lifting tasks

Cognitive dissonance, the mental discomfort we feel when we encounter information that conflicts with our beliefs or actions, can cause real physical strain. Recent research...

Active people can handle more pain, study finds

A recent study shows that active adults can tolerate pain better than those who don't exercise much. This study included over 10,000 people and was...

The rising threat of back pain: What you need to know

Back pain is becoming a big problem across the globe. A lot of people are hurting. By 2050, experts predict that over 843 million people...

The growing epidemic of chronic pain in the U.S.

According to a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), new cases of chronic pain are becoming more prevalent among U.S. adults than...

Scientists find the cause of chest pain

Angina is a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. It's a symptom of an underlying heart problem, usually...

Research offers new hope for treating knee pain

An Effective, Non-surgical Treatment for Knee Pain In a groundbreaking study from MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, a new non-surgical treatment has been found to significantly...