Pain Management

Watching too much TV may increase pain as you age

A new study has found that spending more time watching TV is linked to worsening bodily pain over time, especially in people with type...

Why some most common painkillers can lower blood pressure

Acetaminophen is one of the most common painkillers. Many people take it for headaches, fevers, or minor aches, and it’s generally considered safe. Most of...

This painkiller may raise heart disease and stroke risk

A new study from the University of Edinburgh suggests that taking paracetamol regularly for long periods may increase the risk of heart disease and...

How viewing nature can reduce pain

A new brain imaging study has revealed that watching nature scenes can help reduce pain by changing how the brain processes it. Researchers from the...

Study finds best drugs for mysterious nerve pain

More than 20 million people in the U.S. suffer from neuropathic pain, a condition that causes nerve damage and discomfort. For many of these patients, doctors...

New cannabis-inspired drug may offer pain relief without side effect

Scientists from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Stanford University have developed a synthetic compound that mimics the pain-relieving effects of cannabis—without causing addiction or mind-altering...

New injection treatment may help people with back pain

Back pain is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can make simple daily activities difficult and reduce overall quality of...

Common painkiller may raise blood pressure in these people

Paracetamol (also known as acetaminophen) is one of the most commonly used pain relievers worldwide. It is often recommended as a safer alternative to NSAIDs (non-steroidal...

Should you use opioid drugs for chronic pain?

Chronic pain, which lasts for three months or longer, is difficult to treat. Many people rely on opioid pain medications, but these drugs are controversial....

New discovery shows a major cause of arthritis in the gut

Scientists from the University of Colorado and other research institutions have found a possible link between gut bacteria and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a painful...