Pain Management

Researchers develop new method for emergency pain relief

Intravenous morphine is the most commonly used care for relieving acute pain in the emergency room, but the need to get an IV line...

Having naloxone on hand can save a life during an opioid overdose

Anyone can save a life during an opioid overdose with naloxone, a front-line defense in the nation's opioid crisis. Naloxone is a life-saving drug that,...

Scientists find new way to help people with chronic pain, depression

In a new study, researchers found that patients with chronic pain and depression who participated in medical group visits to learn mindfulness techniques were...

Sleep disturbance may increase risk of migraine headaches

In a new study, researchers confirm that nightly sleep disturbance linked to daily risk of migraine headaches. The research was conducted by a team from...

Scientists find better way to treat knee pain from arthritis

In a new study, researchers examined the use of genicular artery embolization (GAE) for extended treatment of knee pain caused by osteoarthritis (OA). They showed...

Exercise may treat back pain better than painkillers

While sciatica is one of the most common forms of back pain, people often assume they have it when they don't, says U of...

Exercise may trigger migraine headaches

In a new study, researchers found an overlooked relationship between migraine and exercise. The research was conducted by a team at the State University of...

Migraine headaches? Aspirin may help with treatment and prevention

In a new study, researchers found that aspirin may help with the treatment and prevention of migraine headaches. The research was conducted by a team...

Chronic opioid use may increase risk of this mental problem

In a new study, researchers found that long-term (chronic) treatment with opioids, such as morphine, prior to trauma enhances fear learning. The findings link chronic...

Healthy fats may help reduce neuropathy in diabetes

People who are diabetic, pre-diabetic or obese are at high risk of developing diabetic neuropathy, which is chronic nerve damage that often affects the...