Home Medicine Page 99


Inflammation plays a big role in kidney disease

A recent study published in Frontiers in Immunology on February 20 sheds new light on the connection between inflammation and the risk of developing...

Good gut health can help prevent infections

Recent research highlights an exciting link between our gut bacteria and our health, particularly how certain bacteria can protect us from hospitalization due to...

How caffeine affects heart health in people with high blood pressure

For many of us, the day doesn't start until we've had that first cup of coffee. It's a beloved ritual, a moment of pause,...

Cholesterol and heart health: What you need to know

Cholesterol, a waxy substance found in your blood, has long been cast as a villain in the story of heart health. With heart disease holding...

Can statins protect or harm kidney health?

Kidney failure, a daunting health condition where the kidneys can no longer cleanse the blood effectively, affects millions of people worldwide. The search for treatments...

Scientists find a hidden cause of tooth decay

Once upon a time, scientists believed a single villain was responsible for the cavities that spoil our smiles: a bacteria named Streptococcus mutans. This tiny...

Metabolic syndrome and its link to cancer

In a world where health concerns loom large, the connection between metabolic syndrome and the increased risk of developing cancer is a critical piece...

Many new doctors experience sexual harassment, despite #MeToo

Starting a career as a new doctor is an exciting journey, filled with the promise of saving lives and contributing to the medical field. However,...

How sleep apnea can increase blood pressure

When we think about a good night's sleep, we often imagine it as a peaceful, uninterrupted time of rest. However, for many people, sleep...

What you need to know about left kidney pain

Experiencing pain on the left side where your kidney resides can be alarming. The kidneys, those bean-shaped organs located just below the ribcage on...