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Only 1 in 5 people in the U.S. have optimal heart health

Scientists from the American Heart Association found that about 80% of people in the U.S. have low to moderate heart health based on the...

A new way to treat alcohol-associated liver disease

Scientists from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center found a new pathway that helps explain how consuming too much alcohol causes damage to the liver, specifically mitochondrial...

Two FDA-approved mental health drugs may help treat Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists from the University of Colorado found two commonly used psychiatric drugs show evidence of improving symptoms of Alzheimer's disease including boosting cognition. They found...

Even light alcohol drinking may increase risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome

Scientists from the National Medical Center in South Korea found drinking more than half a standard alcoholic drink a day (equivalent to 7g of...

Arterial stiffness may predict dementia risk, study finds

Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh found arterial stiffness may predict dementia risk, independent of brain damage. The research is published in the Journal of Alzheimer's...

High blood pressure during and after exercise may predict diseases later in life

Scientists from Boston University found higher blood pressure during exercise and delayed blood pressure recovery after exercise are associated with a higher risk of...

COVID-19 infection may lead to testicular damage

Scientists from The University of Hong Kong found that the COVID19 virus can cause testicular damage, chronic asymmetric testicular atrophy, and hormonal changes. They suggest...

These blood thinner drugs may help lower death risk in diabetes

Scientists from National Taiwan University found in patients with heart rhythm problems and diabetes, the use of non–vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOAC) was...

New antiviral drug combo could effectively treat COVID-19

Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania found a powerful combination of antivirals to treat COVID-19. They found combining the drug brequniar with remdesivir or molnupiravir—both...

These 2 arthritis drugs may help prevent Parkinson’s disease

Scientists from the University of Eastern Finland found two rheumatoid arthritis drugs show potential for lowering the risk of Parkinson’s disease. The research is published...