Home Medicine Page 799


Too much sugar in diet may cause heart failure

In a recent study from Johns Hopkins Medicine, scientists found evidence that excess sugars could well be a cause, not merely a consequence or...

Six common COVID myths busted by a virologist and a public health expert

Almost three years into the pandemic, COVID myths and misinformation remain widespread.

Skin cancer diagnosis may be linked to higher risk of prostate cancer

In a study from the University of Sydney, scientists found melanoma diagnosis is linked to an increased risk of subsequent prostate cancer.

Single eye test can predict your heart disease risk

Artificial intelligence-enabled eye scans could be used to rapidly and accurately predict whether a person is at high risk of heart disease.

A healthy diet can lower heart disease risk by 10%

In a study from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, scientists found a healthy diet can lower heart disease risk by 10%.

Scientists find more post-COVID-19 lung damage

New CT technology outperforms conventional CT in detecting subtle damage in the lungs of patients with persistent symptoms of COVID-19.

Are combined COVID-flu vaccines, or universal flu shots, really a good idea?

Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are currently developing and testing various “combined” vaccines to guard against diseases such as COVID-19, influenza and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)...

Why overweight people more likely to get illnesses

If you gain weight, the fat cells in the body get bigger. So in the extremely obese, those fat cells are greatly enlarged. In a...

Research finds two drugs that effectively treat sleep loss, insomnia

In a recent study from Oxford University, scientists found two drugs, eszopiclone and Lemborexant, were shown to perform better than others, both in the...

New method detects COVID-19 antibodies in five minutes

Rapid, cheap and accurate tests continue to be essential for epidemiological surveillance and for health services to monitor and contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2. In...