Home Medicine Page 794


How to monitor blood pressure at home correctly

Knowing your blood pressure is a basic part of good health. But monitoring it at home can get complicated. “It sounds easy – you buy...

Smoking and vaping are bad for teeth and gums

In a study from the U.S. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, scientists found using tobacco in any form—including the increasingly popular practice...

Scientists find why obesity can increase your cancer risk

Obesity is now a global epidemic, and it is increasing people's risk for cancer. The National Cancer Institute lists more than a dozen cancers that...

This drug combo may prevent heart disease, stroke

In a recent study from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences, scientists found a cheap drug combo of four common drugs could help prevent...

Widely used heartburn drugs may help control blood sugar in diabetes

In a recent study from the University of Maryland, scientists found antacids improved blood sugar control in people with diabetes. An antacid is a drug...

Kirigami technique could aid breast reconstruction, shows study

For many breast cancer patients, the road to recovery may present hidden complications related to breast reconstruction following a mastectomy. The insertion of foreign materials...

How common are severe side effects from COVID vaccines? And how are they detected?

Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has talked this week about the medical problems she and her wife had after their COVID-19 vaccinations around...

More exercise linked to less-severe COVID-19

Scientists found people who were more physically active prior to being diagnosed with COVID-19 had a lower risk of severe outcomes.

High blood pressure combined with bad cholesterol increases risks of heart attack, stroke

High levels of lipoprotein(a), a type of "bad" cholesterol, may be linked to an 18-20% higher risk of heart disease among people who have high blood pressure.

Doctors and their families less likely to follow guidelines about medicine

Following established guidelines about prescription drugs would seem to be an obvious course of action, especially for the professionals that do the prescribing. But in...