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Widely used pain relief drug could increase heart disease, stroke risks

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh recently found that long-term paracetamol use could increase the risk of heart disease and strokes in people with...

Too little sodium can harm people with heart failure

In a study from Creighton University, scientists found for people with heart failure, restricting dietary sodium intake to levels below the standard recommended maximum...

This dietary supplement linked to lower biomarkers of Alzheimer’s in the brain

In a study from the University of Delaware and elsewhere, scientists found that the naturally occurring dietary supplement known as nicotinamide riboside (NR) can...

Milk and dairy foods may protect you from chronic diseases

In a study from the University of Granada, scientists found that milk and dairy foods could help with many health benefits and prevent chronic...

Extra virgin olive oil may lower blood pressure, study finds

In a study from La Trobe University, scientists found high polyphenol extra virgin olive oil could help reduce blood pressure in healthy people. Extra-virgin olive...

Drinking coffee may help prevent gallstone disease, study finds

In a study from the University of Copenhagen and elsewhere, scientists found that drinking coffee may help reduce gallstone disease. A gallstone is a hardened...

Common cholesterol-lowering statin drug may harm kidney health

Statins can effectively lower high cholesterol, and many individuals take rosuvastatin, one member of this drug class. But a recent study from Johns Hopkin found...

Common diabetes drug linked to less severe COVID-19

Scientists examined adults with type 2 diabetes who were taking metformin, a commonly prescribed diabetes medication.

Scientists find better drug for treating low back pain

In a study from RWTH University Hospital in Germany, scientists examined which non-opioid drugs are best for treating this condition.

Scientists find COVID vaccine may be linked to blood clotting

Scientists found fundamental differences in how the AstraZeneca and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines impact the immune system.