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Alzheimer’s disease is linked to gut health

Researchers at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, have identified a possible link between Alzheimer's disease and specific gut bacteria.

Scientists find opioid prescribing linked to suicide risk

A new study by researchers at Columbia University has found that reducing opioid prescriptions may actually lead to fewer suicides.

‘One-size-fits-all approach’ might not prevent heart disease in women

Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for women?

Widely used heartburn drugs may lower blood sugar in diabetes

Researchers suggest that people with diabetes should be aware of the glucose-lowering effect of these commonly used antacid medications.

People with high blood pressure may benefit from this alcohol treatment

A brief intervention (BI) for alcohol use in primary care can lead to better health outcomes for adults with high blood pressure.

Scientists find new drug to treat fatty liver disease

Scientists develop a new compound that has shown promising results in treating nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in animals.

Following 8 heart health metrics may help you live longer

A new study has found that people who follow eight simple steps for good cardiovascular health can live up to nine years longer on average than those who don't.

Digital markers can predict dementia almost perfectly

Scientists create a new algorithm that can predict mild cognitive impairment and dementia in older drivers with high accuracy.

Younger brain age linked to better stroke outcomes

A recent study found that younger "brain age" is associated with better post-stroke outcomes.

Why men with COVID-19 have higher heart disease risk

A recent scientific study have shed some light on why men may have worse outcomes from COVID-19 than women.