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AI can detect early Alzheimer’s disease through speech

New technologies are emerging that can capture slight changes in a patient's voice, potentially enabling physicians to diagnose cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease before...

A new ray of hope: Uncovering the mysteries of pancreatic cancer

Scientists are making important discoveries in the fight against a difficult kind of cancer - pancreatic cancer. Let's learn about the work of scientists from...

The power of strawberries: potential protection against Alzheimer’s

A simple addition to your diet might help protect your brain against Alzheimer's. The hero here is the humble strawberry.

Unseen dangers: how air pollution and dementia connect

Men who were exposed to more PM2.5 and NO2 in their 40s and 50s had poorer mental abilities later on. This effect was even more noticeable for those who had the APOE-4 gene.

Weak muscle function linked to increased risk of dementia

A new study suggests the decline in muscle function might also indicate a more serious health concern: late-life dementia.

The potential benefits of vitamin C for diabetes management

Researchers believe vitamin C may have potential benefits for individuals with diabetes, although further research is necessary to establish this.

The heart-healthy diet: it’s easier and cheaper than you think

46% of Americans believe eating healthy is too expensive. But the truth is, eating healthy doesn't have to cost a lot of money.

Scientists are tailoring type 2 diabetes drugs based on genetics

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects lots of people. Doctors can prescribe medications to help control blood sugar levels, but not every medication works well for every patient.

Meditation boosts quality of life in people with heart disease

A four-month meditation practice can significantly enhance the quality of life for patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease.

Heat, humidity and heart health: what we need to know

A recent study found something pretty interesting. When the temperature and humidity levels get too high, our hearts start working harder.