Home Medicine Page 549


Medicine mix helps fight prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a disease that only affects men. It starts in the prostate, a small walnut-shaped gland that produces some of the fluid...

Plant extract from Rhodiola rosea may help treat type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes, a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance or lack of insulin, is a significant health challenge...

Why do people with diabetes get more tooth decay?

Diabetes is a health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. People with diabetes have a higher chance of getting cavities...

When sadness hurts: how strong grief can affect your heart

Grief can be so intense that it actually increases your blood pressure. This is what a group of researchers found in a recent study. This...

Western diet damages gut immunity, increasing risk of infection and IBD

A new study has found that a Western diet, high in sugar and fat, could damage the gut immune system in a way that...

Sleep schedule changes might raise blood pressure, warns study

You might think that changing your sleep schedule or losing an hour or two of sleep won't really affect you. But, a new study...

This fitness instructor had a stroke at 36

Jessica Diaz was amazed. As she took classes in barre – a combination of yoga, Pilates and ballet that used 2-pound weights – her...

Taking baby aspirin: what older Americans should know

A recent study from Johns Hopkins University reveals that many older Americans are still taking a daily baby aspirin to prevent heart problems, despite...

New findings about cause and cure for common high blood pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, can cause trouble in our bodies. It's like pumping air too hard into a balloon. It might cause the balloon...

Common pain relief drug may increase heart disease risk

Paracetamol is a common medicine that helps with pain and fever. It's often seen as a safer option than other medicines. However, a recent study...