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Scientists find a promising way to reduce chronic pain

If you suffer from chronic pain, you might be interested to learn about a relatively new pain treatment called "scrambler therapy." Recent research shows this...

Scientists find new cause of heart disease

Heart disease, including frightening events like heart attacks and strokes, takes more lives in the United States than any other condition. Despite the best efforts...

Vegetarian diets linked to higher risk of broken hips, study finds

You've likely heard about vegetarianism. It's a way of eating where people don't eat meat or fish. Some people do it for ethical reasons,...

Stronger high blood pressure treatment may help prevent stroke in older people

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a silent yet dangerous health issue. It often comes with no symptoms but can lead to severe complications...

Scientists find new cause of tooth decay

Tooth decay is a common problem around the world, affecting people of all ages. While we often blame sugary foods and poor brushing habits,...

High-salt diet strongly changes your kidneys, study finds

Ever wondered how your body turns the food you eat into energy? This process is called the metabolic pathway. But here's something surprising: researchers found...

Even a little alcohol can raise blood pressure, study finds

Drinking just one alcoholic drink daily could lead to higher blood pressure as we get older. That's what new research suggests. This study looked at...

A simple pill for gout could help treat heart failure, study finds

Have you ever heard of gout? It's a type of arthritis, where the joints become swollen and painful. This happens because of too much uric...

Your neighborhood may affect your risk of metabolic syndrome

Heart diseases cause the most deaths all over the world. Having health problems like high blood pressure and obesity, together known as metabolic syndrome,...

Scientists find link between body inflammation and dementia risk

Dementia is a brain-related disease that affects millions of people globally. People with dementia experience memory loss, difficulties with thinking and problem-solving, and may find...