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Low-carb diet may help prevent brain aging

A recent study suggests that adopting a low-carb diet may have the potential to prevent or even reverse the effects of aging in the...

New vaccine may shield against 3 deadly coronaviruses, study finds

A groundbreaking vaccine designed to combat three different deadly coronaviruses has shown significant promise in mouse studies, marking a substantial step forward in the...

Eating DASH diet in midlife may help women protect memory function

Eating a diet designed to lower blood pressure when you're in your middle age can significantly reduce the chances of memory loss and cognitive...

Climbing stairs is a simple way to reduce heart disease risk

Climbing just five flights of stairs could potentially reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by 20%, as revealed by a recent study published...

Multiple head injuries, even mild ones, increase the risk of stroke

Even mild head injuries, such as concussions, can raise the risk of ischemic stroke, and the risk becomes even more pronounced when individuals experience...

Local oral inflammation can harm overall mouth health

Did you know that the health of your gums can affect more than just your teeth? A recent study has shed light on how early...

It is important to balance pain management and opioid safety, study shows

Over the past decade, a significant shift has occurred in the prescription of painkillers by healthcare providers. This transformation was prompted by the opioid epidemic,...

High blood pressure and coffee: finding the right balance for your health

Coffee is one of the world's most popular beverages, cherished for its rich flavor and the energy boost it provides. However, there has been an...

Gut health plays a role in your risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery linking the gut microbiota to Alzheimer's disease. For the first time, they have demonstrated that Alzheimer's symptoms can be...

Blood pressure drugs may lower dementia risk in older people

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, affects millions of people worldwide. It's a condition that often requires medication to control and reduce the...