Depression drugs may help people with diabetes live longer
In a new study, researchers found that antidepressants reduce deaths by more than a third in patients with diabetes and depression.
The research was conducted...
This drug may help women with ovarian cancer live longer
In a new study, researchers found that a drug called niraparib may help extend life in women with ovarian cancer.
This is good news for...
Sugar in the heart may help control blood pressure
In a new study, researchers found that a particular type of carb plays an important role in regulating the blood pressure in the body.
Scientists find a new way to treat prostate cancer
In a new study, researchers have developed a new way to fight prostate cancer.
They used a genetically manipulated virus to destroy prostate tumor cells...
This treatment may benefit heart attack patients with diabetes
In a new study, researchers found regular injections of a cholesterol-cutting drug could benefit patients with diabetes who have had a recent heart attack.
You need medical checks from age 40 to avoid health ‘black hole’
In a new study, researchers found that a full health screening from around age 40 can enable people to make changes when problems first...
Shorter proton therapy may treat prostate cancer effectively
In a new study, researchers found that treating prostate cancer with higher doses of proton therapy over a shorter time can achieve similar outcomes...
Blood pressure self-monitoring may help people move more
In a new study, researchers found that blood pressure self-monitoring is an effective way to help people with high blood pressure to stick with...
Older women need to start estrogen therapy sooner to cut heart disease
In a new study, researchers found that older women may need to start estrogen replacement therapy sooner to reduce their heart disease risk.
The research...
Scientists could see patients’ real-time pain with new tech
Many patients, especially those who are anesthetized or emotionally challenged, cannot communicate precisely about their pain.
For this reason, University of Michigan researchers have developed...