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Unhealthy blood pressure in middle and late life could increase dementia risk

In a new study, researchers found that abnormal blood pressure in midlife persisting into late life increases the risk of developing dementia. The research was...

Keto diet alone may help protect against lung cancer, new study shows

In a new study, researchers found restricting blood glucose levels might also keep certain cancers at bay. The found the keto diet alone could help...

Alzheimer’s disease can destroy neurons that keep us awake

In a new study, researchers suggest that Alzheimer's disease directly attacks brain regions responsible for wakefulness during the day. This means Alzheimer's disease could destroy...

These two common foods linked to most heart disease, stroke, diabetes

It is known that a diet high in salt and processed meat can bring lots of harms to people’s health. In a recent study, researchers...

Scientists find why obesity could cause cancer

In a recent study, researchers have found why obesity causes cancer. They found that by providing an over-abundance of energy to cells, obesity might super-charge...

Scientists discover powerful way to overcome antibiotic resistance

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are a major cause of serious infections that often persist despite antibiotic treatment. In a new study, researchers have discovered a way...

Scientists find better way to detect autism

In a new study, researchers have identified a non-verbal, neural marker of autism. This marker shows that individuals with autism are slower to dampen neural...

Common food people eat every day may contribute to autism

With the number of children diagnosed with autism on the rise, it is important to find out what causes the disorder. Previous research has found...

vitamin D and estrogen combo may protect against diabetes, heart disease

Metabolic syndrome is a group of health conditions that increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. In a recent study, researchers found that...

Alcohol drinking during pregnancy could change genes in child and mother

In a new study, researchers found that mothers who drink moderate to high levels of alcohol during pregnancy may be changing their babies' DNA. The...