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Crocodile smiles hold the secret to regrowing teeth

Unlike people, crocodiles do not clean their teeth to slow down wear and tear. Instead, they get rid of them and replace them with new...

The impact of obesity on cancer risk is at least double than thought

In a new study, researchers found that the effect of being overweight and obese on the risk of cancer is at least twice as...

Scientists discover a cause of age-related memory loss

In a new study, researchers found that calcium levels in specific cells in the brain play a key role in age-related memory loss. The finding...

Common drugs for bone health may help people live longer

In two new studies, researchers found that drugs called nitrogen-bisphosphonates, which are commonly prescribed for osteoporosis, could reduce the risk of premature death. They found...

Intensive blood pressure control may slow brain damage caused by aging

In a new study, researchers found that intensively controlling blood pressure was more effective at slowing brain lesions than the standard treatment of high...

Urinary tract infections have strongest link with stroke

Urinary tract infection is a very common infection that affects a part of the urinary system. The urinary system consists of the kidneys, bladder, ureters...

5 unhealthy lifestyle habits that cause most cancers

Research has shown that many factors can contribute to cancer, including genetic mutations and lifestyle habits. An unhealthy lifestyle can cause many types of cancer....

Protein made during prolonged exercise may warn of heart problems

Doctors diagnose heart attacks by looking for a specific protein the heart releases when damaged. Now, researchers have found higher levels of the same protein...

Novel prostate cancer therapy may have dangerous side effect

In a new study, researchers found novel oral androgen signaling inhibitor therapies are linked to a higher risk of death in men with heart...

Unhealthy blood pressure in middle and late life could increase dementia risk

In a new study, researchers found that abnormal blood pressure in midlife persisting into late life increases the risk of developing dementia. The research was...