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Why a diet with very low calories can reverse type 2 diabetes

Why a diet with very low calories can reverse type 2 diabetes

Obesity is a big risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Therefore, lose body weight and keep a healthy weight can help prevent and control the...
How to detect colorectal cancer early

How to detect colorectal cancer early

Colorectal cancer is cancer of the colon or rectum, both of which are part of the large intestine. The disease is the second-leading cause of...
Aspirin could prevent stroke or heart attack

Aspirin could prevent stroke or heart attack

Research has shown that aspirin could help prevent another heart attack or stroke. This method is called aspirin secondary prevention. For some people, aspirin could...
Nipah virus

Nipah virus could become the next global pandemic

In a recent outbreak in South India, Nipah virus killed 11 people. Nipah virus can cause Nipah virus inflection, a disease that has 70% of...
Healthy lifestyle before conception key to a healthy pregnancy

Healthy lifestyle before conception key to a healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy is a critical time for the health of women and their babies. Many women change their lifestyle habits during the time to try to...
How to prevent head and neck cancer

How to prevent head and neck cancer

Head and neck cancers are cancers in the larynx, throat, lips, mouth, nose and salivary glands. Every year in the US, there are more than...
5 things about breast implants you should know

5 things about breast implants you should know

When considering breast implants, woman have many questions to ask. Typical questions are like: Should I get breast implants? Are there alternatives? Will they need to...
Can AI surpass doctors one day

Can AI surpass doctors one day?

In Google’s developer conference in early May, its CEO Sundar Pichai showed how the company’s newest research in artificial intelligence (AI) could help doctors...
How a good sleep can help your heart

How a good sleep can help your heart

When people talking about a healthy lifestyle, they always include a healthy diet and regular exercise. It is true the eating well and moving around...
What you should know about stroke signs and prevention tips

What you should know about stroke signs and prevention tips

Stroke is a cardiovascular accident. It happens when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a brain area is blocked. Without oxygen, brain cells in that...