Home Medicine Page 2353


Toxic metal may play a role in autism development

In a recent study, researchers find that environmental metal and metalloid pollution (lead, mercury, aluminum, and arsenic) may induce autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The finding...

This sleep problem linked to higher risk of gout

In a recent study, researchers find that people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have a higher risk of developing gout. OSA is associated with a...

Giving birth in 30s may boost healthy aging in women

In a recent study from the Colombia University, researchers find that late maternal age is linked to longer telomere length, a marker of cellular...

How metastatic cancer cells get their energy

In a recent study, biomedical engineers at Duke University found that metastatic cancer cells can reprogram their metabolism to thrive in new organs. Specifically, the...
8 tips to have heart-healthy meals

8 tips to have heart-healthy meals every day

Your heart health is highly related to what you eat. That is why a healthy diet is one of the best methods to prevent heart...

Pain and negative emotions: the vicious cycle

In a recent study, Penn State researchers find emotions such as anger or sadness often are result of stress or pain, and that they...

Walking could help protect women from heart failure

In a new study from University at Buffalo, researchers found for the first time that walking more can strongly lower the risk of heart...

Why people with type 2 diabetes need a large whey protein breakfast

Breakfast is important for a healthy lifestyle. It is not just when to eat it, but also what foods you put into it. Recently a...

Old blood vessels look 15 years younger with this antioxidant

In a recent study from CU Boulder, researchers find that older people who take a novel antioxidant could see the aging of their blood vessels...

This wearable device could regrow hair

In a new study, researchers develop a flexible, wearable photo-stimulator that speeds up hair growth. This device may help treat alopecia or excessive hair loss...