Home Medicine Page 2350


‘Bad’ cholesterol can be deadly even if you are healthy

In a recent study, scientists suggest healthy people with a low risk of cardiovascular disease may still need to keep a close eye on...

Your city’s air may play a big role in your heart health

In a recent study, researchers find that Healthy people exposed to even low levels of air pollution over a handful of years developed enlarged...

How marijuana could harm your heart, blood pressure, blood vessels

Marijuana use has become more common recently. Although it can bring some health benefits like improving sexual activity, reducing stress and solving skin rash sting,...

Even safe BPA exposure could change your insulin release

In a new study, researchers find that the FDA-approved "safe" daily exposure of BPA may be enough to change insulin release. The finding has implications...

A promising new drug to fight Alzheimer’s disease

In a new study, researchers find that a novel drug reverses memory deficits and stops Alzheimer disease pathology (AD) in an animal model. The research...

Unintended weight loss may be a big sign of these 4 cancers

In a recent Oxford study, researchers find unintended weight loss is the second highest risk factor for 4 types of cancer. The team conducted the...

Many common drugs may cause or worsen heart failure, according to AHA

In a recent statement from the American Heart Association, researchers find commonly used medications and nutritional supplements may cause or worsen heart failure. The statement...

Healthy lifestyle means less blood pressure drug

In a recent study, researchers find people with high blood pressure needed fewer drugs within 16 weeks after making lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes are the...

Home blood pressure monitoring could improve hypertension control

In a newly reported study, researchers find home blood pressure monitoring improved hypertension control and saved medical costs. Home monitoring combined with doctor visits to...

Why sleep and olive oil could protect you from heart attacks and strokes

In a recent study, researchers have uncovered why foods high in unsaturated fats may protect against cardiovascular disease. The research shows that Apolipoprotein A-IV, known...