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Weight loss surgery may prevent womb cancer in obese women

In a new study, researchers found that in women who had the gastric sleeve or bypass surgery for obesity, the precancerous tissue in their...

Where you live could determine how much opioid you can get

In a recent study, researchers at Penn Medicine found that where people live in the U.S. could determine how many opioids they can get. Patients...

Bigger brain may mean bigger cancer risk

In a new study, researchers found that bigger brain may mean bigger risks of brain cancer. It may simply be that having a big brain...

Healthy gum could help you manage type 2 diabetes

In a recent study, researchers from University College London found that treating periodontitis (gum disease) could help people with Type 2 diabetes manage their...

A groundbreaking discovery that could affect aging, cancer, and heart disease

In a recent study, a team of Sydney scientists has made a groundbreaking discovery in telomere biology. The study has implications for conditions ranging from...

Gut bacteria may contribute to type 2 diabetes

In a recent study, researchers found that the gut microbiota has the ability to affect how cells respond to insulin, and can thus contribute...

Common myths about lower back pain everyone should know

Lower back pain is the greatest source of global disability. It is ahead of nearly 300 other conditions, leading to huge levels of health care...

Newer contraceptive pills linked to lower risk for ovarian cancer

In a new study, researchers find new types of combined oral contraceptives (containing both lower doses of estrogens and newer progestogens) are linked to...

4.6% of people in Massachusetts may have opioid addiction

In a recent study, researchers estimate that more than 275,000 people—or 4.6% of people over the age of 11 in Massachusetts- have opioid use...

Using vitamin D to fight diabetes

In a recent study, researchers from the Salk Institute report a potential new approach for treating diabetes by protecting beta cells. Beta cells are the...