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Vitamin B12 deficiency may increase risk of chronic inflammation

A recent study has uncovered a significant connection between vitamin B12 deficiency and chronic inflammation—a condition associated with various health problems, including cardiovascular disease,...

Type 2 diabetes diagnosis at younger ages may reduce life expectancy by up to...

A recent international study has issued a stark warning that individuals diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, especially at younger ages, may experience a significant...

Timing matters when you manage high blood pressure

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a prevalent health condition that can lead to severe complications if not properly controlled. Recent research has...

Scientists find cause of memory decline in some older adults

Aging can bring about various changes in our bodies, and one of the most noticeable ones is a decline in memory function. However, not...

Swapping meat for Quorn could reduce cholesterol and waist size, study suggests

A study conducted by researchers from Northumbria University, Newcastle, has found that replacing meat with Quorn protein for just two weeks can lead to...

Cancer survivors may face heart failure risk from treatment

Imagine surviving cancer, only to discover that the very drug that saved your life has introduced a new health risk: heart failure. A recent study...

Blood pressure drugs may reduce dementia risk in older people

A recent study suggests that taking blood pressure medications, known as antihypertensives, could lower the risk of dementia in older adults with high blood...

Why some older adults experience memory decline

As we grow older, our memory tends to change, and for some older adults, this decline in memory can be faster than for others. Researchers...

Scientists find new drug for contact lens infection

A recent study published in Ophthalmology reveals a promising treatment for Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK), a rare but serious eye infection that can threaten vision. Researchers...

Folate-rich diet may lower bowel cancer risk, study finds

Increasing folate intake through diet or supplements may help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC), according to research co-led by Dr. Konstantinos Tsilidis...