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What are researchers doing to stop dementia?

They are words nobody wants to hear: Alzheimer's disease and dementia. As the population ages, a growing number of older adults gradually lose cherished...

COVID-19, not vaccination, presents biggest blood clot risks

In a new study from the University of Oxford, researchers confirmed that COVID-19, not vaccination, presents the biggest blood clot risks. They reported the findings...

Delay your retirement can slow cognitive decline, study finds

In a new study from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, researchers found postponing retirement is protective against cognitive decline. They found participating in...

Being healthy again after heart attack may add more than 7 years to life

In a new study from Amsterdam University, researchers found heart attack survivors could gain more than seven healthy years of life if they take...

This pain medication may increase your hip fracture risk

In a recent study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, scientists found that the use of pain medication tramadol was linked to...

This diet linked to blinding eye diseases in older people

In a recent study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, researchers found that people who ate a diet high in red and processed meat,...

This new test can help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease effectively

In a new study from Rutgers, researchers found testing for some inflammatory proteins associated with the nervous and immune systems will help diagnose the...

This mental health drug may harm your brain health

Until the 1990s, antipsychotic medications were primarily given to people with schizophrenia. But since then their use has expanded to major depression and a range...

Migraine headaches help prevent type 2 diabetes, study shows

In a new study, researchers found people who get migraines are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, while some people who develop diabetes...

These healthy food may lead to better cognition in older people

In a new study from the University of Kentucky, researchers found that a higher intake of specific nutrients is linked to lower brain iron...