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Her arm pain wasn’t from skiing – it was a heart attack

Feeling hot, nauseous and in pain after snow skiing in Missouri with her family, 40-year-old Kelly Kleiner tried getting some relief in a restroom...

These two drugs can lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes most effectively

In a recent study presented at the virtual 81st Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, researchers found two medications have proven to be...

These common anti-inflammatory drugs could help cut COVID-19 deaths

In a recent study published in Emergent Materials, researchers found common anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin can help treat the most harmful outcomes of...

Coronavirus epidemics first hit more than 21000 years ago, 30 times older than thought

Sarbecoviruses have crossed into humans twice in the last decade, leading to the deadly SARS-CoV-1 outbreak in 2002-2004 and the current COVID-19 pandemic, caused...

These drugs can benefit people with diabetes and depression

In a new study from the National Taiwan University Hospital, researchers found people with diabetes and depression who take antidepressants may have a lower...

Antibodies from vaccination nearly 3 times higher than from COVID-19 infection

In a recent study, researchers found people who’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have a much stronger immune system response against the new coronavirus...

Which is the best way to reduce diabetes risk: Diet or exercise?

In a recent study from Saint Louis University, researchers found that, though people often think of the benefits from exercise, calorie restriction and weight...

Common acid reflux drugs may increase your kidney disease risk

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which include well-known brand names Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid, are among the most commonly prescribed medications in the world. Approximately 10%...

COVID-19 vaccines effectively prevent hospitalization in older people

In a new study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen COVID-19 vaccines are highly...

Her pain seemed muscular. It was actually a heart attack.

After taking her daughter to softball practice, Kelly Sosnowski popped over to the mall to run an errand. Walking inside, she felt a heavy pain...