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Stressed TV boss ignored the news from his body – a heart attack

Eric Olsen's energy was lacking. His mother thought he sounded tired on the phone. A work colleague noticed he didn't seem like himself. Then he...

Scientists develop a new inhaled COVID-19 vaccine

In a recent study published in Science Advances, researchers found a single-dose, intranasal COVID-19 vaccine may fully protect against lethal COVID-19 infection. The vaccine also...

These two drugs can lower severity of sleep apnea by one third

In a new study published in the Journal of Physiology, researchers successfully repurposed two existing drugs to reduce the severity of sleep apnea in...

This electronic nose could sniff out when a lung transplant is failing

An electronic “nose” can detect with 86% accuracy when a lung transplant is beginning to fail, according to research presented at the ‘virtual’ European...

These people play a vital role in treating long COVID

In a new article from the University of Otago, researchers suggest that cardio-respiratory physiotherapists have an essential role in helping people recover from the...

Gut problems could contribute to arthritis, study finds

In a new study from UCL, researchers found that damage to the lining of the gut plays an important role in the development of...

Aspirin could cut cancer death by 20%, study finds

In a recent study published in ecancermedicalscience, researchers found patients with a wide range of cancers who take aspirin as part of their treatment...

Scientists find the cause of lung cancer in never smokers

In a new study from the National Cancer Institute, researchers did a genomic analysis of lung cancer in people with no history of smoking. They...

Many older people have dementia but they don’t know it

In a new study from the University of Michigan, researchers found only 1 in 10 older adults in a large national survey who were...

Lack of side effects after COVID-19 vaccination doesn’t mean it isn’t working

When the two messenger RNA vaccines for COVID-19 first became readily available, many people were talking about side effects—everything from headaches to chills to...