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Blood cancers: Hidden diseases with many treatments

When most people think about cancer, they tend to think of lumps and bumps, something visible they can see and touch. But with blood cancers,...

Drug that treats gout could also battle COVID-19

As COVID-19 cases continue to skyrocket across the U.S. and the world, few options are available for treating patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2. In a...

12-year-old calls 911 during dad’s heart attack

On a frigid morning this February, 44-year-old Renick Blosser set out on his typical Saturday routine. He grabbed a cup of coffee and took...

This diabetes drug can help people lose weight effectively

In a recent study published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, researchers found that people with Type 2 diabetes who were prescribed...

The nose shows why some people get severe COVID-19

The body’s first encounter with SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19, happens in the nose and throat, or nasopharynx. In a recent study published in the...

Don’t throw that cloth mask away yet—it still works

The reusable cloth masks people have been using for the past year or more may look a little worse for the wear. But new research...

Tooth loss linked to cognitive impairment, dementia

In a recent study published in JAMDA: The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, researchers found that tooth loss is a risk factor...

Healthy diet could reduce severity of migraine headache

In a new study from Istanbul Medipol University, researchers found a high-quality diet is linked to lower migraine severity and frequency. They examined the correlation...

Vitamin D can be cheap treatments for COVID-19

In a new study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, researchers found that active forms of vitamin D can inhibit the replication and...

This antioxidant drug may help prevent heart attacks and strokes

In a new study from the University of Reading, researchers found an antioxidant drug reverses atherosclerosis and could be used to prevent heart attacks...