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A stroke at 31. An aneurysm at 35. At 39 – tennis, anyone?

Ira Goodman woke up in the middle of the night drenched with sweat. His head pounded like nothing he'd experienced in all his 31...

If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, don’t go to these places

In a recent state from AHA, researchers found visiting high-altitude locations may be dangerous for people with high blood pressure or certain heart conditions. They...

This study shows a possible cause of long COVID

In a recent study published in PLOS ONE, researchers found a potential cause of long-lasting symptoms experienced by COVID-19 patients, often referred to as...

Scientists develop a new COVID antiviral pill

As SARS-CoV-2 continues to spread and mutate, it's important to identify new treatment options. Molnupiravir is an investigational oral antiviral being developed for the treatment...

Why more people don’t call 911 when stroke symptoms hit

When stroke symptoms hit, not everyone calls 911 – a decision that has perplexed experts. Now, a small study reveals some of the reasons. The research,...

Why inflammatory arthritis always recurs in certain joints

When joints flare-up in people with rheumatoid arthritis and related diseases, the joints involved are often the same as those affected before. For example, if...

Scientists find a new way to reverse fatty liver disease

In a new study from the University of Southern California, researchers found a new way to treat fatty liver disease. About 80 million Americans have...

How to overcome COVID-19 pandemic fatigue

The sharp rise in COVID-19 cases throughout Pennsylvania and across the United States makes continued vigilance with established safety efforts essential to helping slow...

Woman almost declared dead no stranger to heart trouble

Jeff and Melanie Baldwin were hanging a picture in the dining room of their Las Vegas home when Melanie collapsed. Jeff grabbed his phone and...

If you have high blood pressure, eat some yogurt

In a recent study published in the International Dairy Journal, researchers found yogurt consumption can help lower blood pressure in older adults with elevated...