Home Medicine Page 121


Can CBD help treat cancer?

Cannabidiol (CBD), a compound found in cannabis plants, has been at the forefront of medical research for its potential health benefits. Among the many areas...

Top medications for fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease, a condition where excess fat accumulates in the liver, is becoming increasingly common worldwide, largely due to rising obesity rates. While the...

How to survive a heart attack when you are alone

Imagine you're alone, and suddenly you feel a crushing pain in your chest, spreading to your arm and maybe even your jaw. You suspect...

How fasting could fight against cancer

In recent years, fasting has emerged from the shadows of mere weight loss strategy to a spotlight of scientific research, especially in the realm...

What you need to know about heart bypass surgery

Heart bypass surgery, formally known as coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), is a life-saving procedure for many people suffering from severe heart disease. When arteries...

Vitamin D has surprising effects on brain health in older people

Vitamin D, often celebrated for keeping our bones strong, comes mainly from sunlight kissing our skin and from the supplements some people take. Beyond its...

Some blood pressure drugs may raise heart failure risk in women

In a study from the University of Bologna, researchers have unearthed a startling difference in how a common heart medication, known as beta-blockers, works...

Can eating too much fruit cause type 2 diabetes?

When we think of a healthy diet, fruits often come to mind with their essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, the question arises: Can...

A new hope to treat fatty liver disease

In a recent breakthrough at Karolinska Institutet, scientists have uncovered how the female sex hormone estrogen plays a crucial role in defending against MASLD,...

What you need to know about advanced dementia

Dementia is a term that paints a picture of memory loss and cognitive decline, but its impact runs deeper, especially as it progresses to...