Home Medicine Page 118


Top 10 superfoods for managing diabetes

When it comes to managing diabetes, diet plays a crucial role. Certain foods can help stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and improve insulin...

The link between coughing and lung cancer you need to know

Lung cancer, one of the most common and serious types of cancer, has a notorious connection with coughing. This symptom, often overlooked as a...

This diabetes drug could protect heart and kidney health

For the millions of people battling type 2 diabetes, the risks of heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure loom large. But a ray of...

Vascular dementia vs. Alzheimer’s: What is the difference?

When it comes to dementia, two terms often come up: Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. While both conditions involve memory loss and cognitive decline, they...

The link between high blood pressure and cholesterol

Understanding the relationship between high blood pressure and cholesterol can feel like trying to unravel a complex puzzle. However, this connection is simpler than it...

The causes of type 2 diabetes and how to reverse it

In a world where fast food chains outnumber parks and gyms, type 2 diabetes has emerged as a global health crisis. This silent condition...

Arterial stiffness is a new big risk factor for high blood pressure

As high blood pressure and obesity continue to rise globally, despite increased awareness and efforts to encourage healthier lifestyles, a new risk factor has...

Snow shovelling: Healthy exercise or deadly activity?

Winter’s just over a month old and already from coast to coast, major storms have hit. While the snow can provide great opportunities for...

How long does back pain last? And how can learning about pain increase the...

Back pain is common. One in thirteen people have it right now and worldwide a staggering 619 million people will have it this year. Chronic...

Cancer keeps coming for the young. Why?

A report released last month by the American Cancer Society reflects significant progress in recent decades in early detection and treatment of the disease. That's...