Home Medicine Page 101


Research shows a major cause of fatal heart problems

At The Ohio State University, a team of researchers has taken a major step forward in unraveling the mysteries behind certain deadly heart rhythm...

The link between diabetes and mood problems you need to know

Living with diabetes is not just about managing blood sugar levels; it's also about handling the emotional roller coaster that often accompanies this chronic...

Research shows a big cause of cognitive decline in older people

In a recent discovery, scientists from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have made a significant leap forward in understanding why our brains...

A common blood pressure drug has harmful side effects

Researchers at Columbia University have taken a closer look at chlorthalidone, a drug often prescribed to manage high blood pressure, and their findings suggest...

Kidney cleanse: fact or fiction?

The kidneys are vital organs in the body, responsible for filtering waste products, excess water, and other impurities out of the blood. These wastes...

Stress and high blood pressure: What you need to know

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition where the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high. It's...

Why more women get Alzheimer’s disease

Recent studies from the University of Chicago are shining a new light on Alzheimer's disease, offering hope for future treatments. These studies dive deep into...

Rheumatic heart disease: What you need to know

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a serious condition that can occur after an episode of rheumatic fever, an inflammatory disease itself usually triggered by...

This ultra-thin, minimally-invasive pacemaker can be controlled by light

Researchers at the University of Chicago have made a big advancement in medical technology by creating a new type of pacemaker that's powered by...

Long COVID linked to persistent inflammation, study shows

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have made a breakthrough in understanding long COVID, a condition that continues to affect millions worldwide, presenting a...