High Blood Pressure

Latest research findings about high blood pressure or hypertension from universities and research institutes.

Cutting back on salt: a simple step for healthier blood pressure

High blood pressure, often known as hypertension, is like a sneaky villain that harms your body without you even knowing it. Imagine your heart...

Why high blood pressure is linked to memory loss

We all know that high blood pressure isn’t good for your heart, but did you know it can also harm your brain? Think of...

Five major risk factors linked to over half of heart diseases globally

Heart-related problems like heart attacks and strokes are a big deal globally, causing about one-third of all deaths. The scary part is these problems often...

Exercise helps but doesn’t fully offset heart risks for men with high blood pressure

If you have high blood pressure, getting fit might not completely cancel out your risk for heart-related deaths, but it does make the situation...

Lowering blood pressure could also prevent dementia, study finds

What’s the Big Deal About Blood Pressure and Brain Health? You've probably heard that high blood pressure isn't good for your heart, but did you...

How saunas may lower blood pressure

What's This Study About? If you think saunas are just for relaxation, think again! A recent study at Brigham Young University in Utah has indicated...

Hormone therapy may increase high blood pressure in women after 45

What Happens During Menopause Menopause is the time in a woman's life when she stops having periods because her body isn't making certain hormones anymore....

Why high blood pressure is linked to memory loss

Blood Pressure’s Effect on the Brain High blood pressure, often known as hypertension, isn't just bad for the heart. It can also hurt your brain,...

Scientists find high blood pressure linked to mood problems

How Does Blood Pressure Affect Us? Blood pressure is the force with which our blood pushes against the walls of our veins and arteries. It's...

Researchers discover better treatment for high blood pressure

The Widespread Problem of High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is a big health issue in the United States. It's when the blood in your...