High Blood Pressure

Latest research findings about high blood pressure or hypertension from universities and research institutes.

Why is high blood pressure a slow and silent heart challenger?

Imagine your heart as a pump and your blood vessels as the pipes. High blood pressure, or hypertension, means your heart is working overtime...

Common blood pressure drug may trigger gut problems

High blood pressure is a widespread concern in the United States, affecting a vast number of adults and leading to serious health problems like...

Mindfulness is a gentle approach to battling high blood pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is often dubbed the "silent killer." This is because it can quietly damage your body for years before symptoms become...

What you need to know about heart CT scans

In the journey of heart health management, CT scans emerge as a beacon of clarity, offering a detailed glimpse into the heart's structure and...

Since losing her mom to heart disease at 53, health and fitness are her...

Sarah Steinsiek grew up in small-town Arkansas watching her mother, Ruthie Hare, join all sorts of fitness groups. Naturally slim, Ruthie especially loved aerobics...

Fish oil supplements can help control high blood pressure

In our quest for better health, natural remedies and supplements have gained a lot of attention. Among them, fish oil supplements stand out, especially when...

Why blood pressure drugs linked to some inflammatory disease

Psoriasis is a skin problem many people deal with. It makes the skin red, itchy, and flaky, showing up mostly on the knees, elbows,...

The link between high blood pressure and hearing loss

When we think about high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, we often consider its effects on the heart or the brain. However, an equally...

Drinks to choose and avoid for healthy blood pressure

High blood pressure, often referred to as the silent killer, is a common issue that many people face. It can sneak up without any symptoms...

The psychology of fighting chronic high blood pressure

Living with chronic hypertension is like sailing on a never-ending sea, where calm waters can suddenly turn turbulent without warning. This condition, commonly known as...