Heart Health

Scientists find a surprising link between alcohol drinking and heart health

We've all heard mixed messages about alcohol and heart health. Some say a glass of red wine is good for your heart, while others...

Common cholesterol-lowering drug may affect kidney health

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood. While your body needs some cholesterol to build healthy cells, having too much can be...

Scientists find link between poor sleep, stress, and heart problems in older women

We all know that getting older comes with its own set of health risks, like high blood pressure and diabetes. These are commonly linked to...

A day after performing ‘The Star-Spangled Banner,’ this radio announcer couldn’t speak

Radio announcer and producer Karen Moyer was exhausted after putting in long days on the air at Dallas' classical radio station WRR over Labor...

Research finds a new way to treat bad cholesterol

In a landmark announcement, Professor Stephen Nicholls, Director of Monash University's Victorian Heart Institute and the Victorian Heart Hospital, revealed the successful trial of...

After a lifetime of being blue, heart surgery restores color to woman’s life

Patti Allbritton was born a little blue. She wasn't particularly sad – it wasn't that kind of blue. She was born with a rare congenital...

Statins provide new hope for people with irregular heartbeat to prevent stroke

Atrial fibrillation is the most common irregular heartbeat problem, affecting over 40 million people around the world. If you have it, you are five times...

Five major risk factors linked to over half of heart diseases globally

Heart-related problems like heart attacks and strokes are a big deal globally, causing about one-third of all deaths. The scary part is these problems often...

AI can speed up heart failure diagnosis, study finds

Scientists from the University of Glasgow, along with the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK and a big medicine company called AstraZeneca, have...

A handful of nuts a day keeps the heart doctor away

The Good News: Nuts for Heart Health You've probably heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but did you know a handful...