Both numbers in blood pressure reading could predict future stroke, heart attack
Systolic pressure is the upper number in a blood pressure reading. It measures how hard the heart pumps blood into arteries.
Diastolic pressure is the...
Trouble sleeping? Insomnia slinked to high risk of stroke, heart attack
In a new study, researchers found people who have trouble sleeping may be more likely to have a stroke, heart attack or other heart...
New gene therapy combo may treat heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes together
As we age, our bodies tend to develop diseases like heart failure, kidney failure, diabetes, and obesity, and the presence of any one disease...
Is physical activity always good for your heart?
Physical activity is thought to be our greatest ally in the fight against cardiovascular disease.
But In a new study, researchers suggest that there may...
After heart attack: Late dinner and no breakfast can be a killer combination
In a new study, researchers found that people who skip breakfast and eat dinner near bedtime have worse health outcomes after a heart attack.
High insulin levels linked to high heart attack risk
In a new study, researchers found that men with genetically higher insulin levels had a higher risk of heart attack and angina.
The research was...
Your neighborhood’s walkability may be a trick-or-treat for your heart all year
If you're trick-or-treating through a walkable neighborhood on Halloween, go back and do it again the next day, and the day after that –...
Common early sign of heart disease also may show high cancer risk
In a new study, researchers found microvascular endothelial dysfunction, a common early sign of heart disease, is linked to a greater risk of cancer.
Retina changes offer glimpse into body’s heart health
Rising blood pressure and stiffening arteries – two risk markers for cardiovascular disease – create easily detectable changes in the tiny blood vessels at...
Middle-aged adults with this mental problem may have a heart attack easily
In a new study, researchers found middle-aged adults who show symptoms of borderline personality disorder may be at greater risk for a heart attack.