E-cigarettes could take serious toll on your heart health
E-cigarettes may be perceived as safer than traditional cigarettes, but two studies say they are just as dangerous, or even worse, for your heart.
Opioid overuse linked to high risk of cardiac arrest
In a new study, researchers found that opioid overdose victims who suffer cardiac arrest are distinctly different from other cardiac arrest patients.
But they may...
Frequent marijuana use linked to strokes and heart rhythm problems
In two new studies, researchers found that frequent cannabis use was linked to an increased risk of stroke and people diagnosed with cannabis use...
E-bikes could benefit your heart, even it doesn’t feel like a workout
Many traditional cyclists are critical about the growing popularity of e-bikes, but in a new study, researchers found e-bikes can provide essentially the same...
Human heart cells are altered by spaceflight, but return to (mostly) normal on Earth
Heart muscle cells derived from stem cells show remarkable adaptability to their environment during and after spaceflight, according to a study publishing in the...
More exercise after 60 may prevent heart attack, stroke
In a new study, researchers found people over the age of 60 should do more exercise not less in order to prevent heart disease...
Vitamin D and Omega 3 supplements may not protect your heart
Vitamin D and marine omega-3 fatty acids—also known as fish oil—are purported to have many health benefits, including reducing systemic inflammation.
Signals of systemic inflammation...
Vaping may damage your heart and blood vessels
Science hasn’t yet caught up with electronic cigarettes, leaving health care providers and users with many unknowns.
But a new review of the research so...
Both numbers in blood pressure reading could predict future stroke, heart attack
Systolic pressure is the upper number in a blood pressure reading. It measures how hard the heart pumps blood into arteries.
Diastolic pressure is the...
Trouble sleeping? Insomnia slinked to high risk of stroke, heart attack
In a new study, researchers found people who have trouble sleeping may be more likely to have a stroke, heart attack or other heart...