Heart Health

Fatty fish and camelina oil can benefit your HDL and IDL cholesterol

Fatty fish and camelina oil can benefit your HDL and IDL cholesterol

In a recent study, researchers from the University of Eastern Finland found that eating fatty fish could increase HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol) in people...
Most nutrient supplements, including omega-3, cannot protect the heart

Most nutrient supplements, including omega-3, cannot protect the heart

Many people take vitamin or mineral supplements every day, hoping these supplements provide their body enough nutrients and keep them healthy. However, one recent study...
Air temperature can trigger heart attacks

Air temperature can trigger heart attacks

Heart attack happens when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to an area of the heart is blocked. When the heart muscle cannot get enough oxygen,...
disease, spread outside of Latin American, increases heart disease risk

Chagas disease, spread outside of Latin American, increases heart disease risk

In a recent AHA statement, researchers claim that Chagas disease, caused by infection with a parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi (T cruzi), can cause chronic...

Binge drinking may cause stroke, heart disease risks

In a new study from Vanderbilt University, researchers find that frequent binge drinking is linked to higher blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar in...
Common 'harmless' virus linked to heart artery damage

Common ‘harmless’ virus linked to heart artery damage

In a recent study, researchers find a surprisingly close link between a herpes virus and immune cells damaging heart artery tissue. The study was done...

New technology can predict heart attacks years before

In a new study, researchers at the University of Oxford and collaborators have developed a new technology that can flag patients at risk of...
Average salt eating is safe for your heart

Average salt eating is safe for your heart

In a large international study, researchers find that for most people eating salt is safe for heart health except for those who eat more...
Half of heart disease patients suffer from multiple diseases

Half of heart disease patients suffer from multiple diseases

In a new study from The University of Western Australia, researchers find that one in two patients with a cardiovascular disease is suffering from...
Overweight could change heart structure and function

Overweight could change heart structure and function

In a new study from the University of Bristol in the UK, researchers find that even as a young adult, being overweight may cause...