Heart Health

How heart attack connects to high blood pressure

When we think of a heart attack, we often picture sudden, intense chest pain. However, what's happening with our blood pressure during this critical...

Heart rhythm disorders: What you need to know

Heart rhythm problems, known as arrhythmias, occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate your heartbeats don't work properly. This causes your heart to beat...

Racing heart in early morning: Is it a serious problem?

Waking up with your heart pounding as if you've run a marathon while you've actually just been sleeping can be a startling experience. This phenomenon,...

Common blood pressure drug may not prevent heart attack effectively

A recent study has sparked a conversation about the necessity of long-term beta-blocker use for patients who have experienced a heart attack but do...

Understanding the puzzle: Low blood pressure and high pulse

When we think about our heart and blood vessels, we often hear about the dangers of high blood pressure. But what happens when your...

Understanding signs and steps to take in heart attack

A heart attack, medically known as a myocardial infarction, is a life-threatening condition that occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. This blockage...

The link between smoking and high blood pressure

When we think about the effects of smoking, lung cancer and breathing problems often come to mind first. But there's another significant impact that doesn't...

Understanding coronary artery disease: Causes and symptoms

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a term that often comes up in discussions about heart health, but what does it really mean? In simple terms,...

When fast or slow heart beats become a concern

Understanding our heart rate is like having a window into our body's inner workings. It tells us how hard our heart is working at...

Alcohol’s surprising link to heart health and stress

The debate around alcohol and heart health has been ongoing, with various studies offering conflicting views. Some suggest that a daily glass of red wine...