Heart Health

AI accurately predicts deadly heart rhythm problems

In a groundbreaking study from Leicester, researchers have turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to tackle one of the most pressing challenges in heart health:...

What you need to know about heart rhythm disorders

When the heart doesn't beat the way it should, it might be more than just a skipped beat or a momentary flutter. This irregularity, known...

Virtual rehabilitation can boost stroke recovery

Recovering from a stroke can be a challenging journey, especially when it comes to regaining the ability to move one's lower body. This difficulty often...

How manganese could benefit heart health

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be the leading killer worldwide, with atherosclerosis, a condition marked by the buildup of plaques in the arteries, playing...

How to manage high blood pressure at work

High blood pressure, often called the "silent killer," affects millions of people worldwide. It's a condition that doesn't always shout loud with symptoms but...

Common blood pressure drugs may bring heart risk to women

A recent study from the University of Bologna in Italy has shed light on a critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of heart health: how...

How to strengthen your heart valve health

The heart, our most vital muscle, works tirelessly, beating about 100,000 times a day to pump blood throughout the body. Integral to this process are...

Aspirin may increase heart failure risk, study shows

A recent study from the University of Freiburg has stirred up the medical community by highlighting a potential downside to aspirin, a medication hailed...

This skin problem linked to heart disease, study shows

When most people hear about psoriasis, they immediately think of the skin problems it causes – those red, scaly patches that aren't just uncomfortable...

Home blood pressure monitoring provide great benefits

A recent study conducted by Texas A&M University's School of Public Health reveals that patients managing their hypertension by monitoring their blood pressure at...