Heart Health

High cholesterol at birth: unraveling the genetic secrets and risks of heart disease

Have you ever heard about "bad" cholesterol? Doctors call it LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein), and it's something we all have in our bodies. But when you...

CT scans vs. genetics: who wins in predicting heart disease at middle age?

Imagine a fight between two superheroes, one has the power of X-ray vision, and the other can see the future through genes. In a...

Common gout medicine may help treat heart failure

A study has suggested that colchicine, a commonly used medicine to treat gout, could have potentially life-saving benefits for heart failure patients. The researchers also...

The hidden risk: women and heart rhythm disorder

There's a kind of irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation, or AFib for short. In the past, it was believed that men were more likely...

High uric acid levels may cause heart problems later on

Have you ever heard of uric acid? It's a chemical our bodies make when they break down certain types of foods. Usually, we don't...

Exercise may induce strokes for people with blocked arteries

Exercise helps us to stay fit, build strong muscles, and feel good. But did you ever think about how exercise affects our hearts? Let's...

Cancer drug could be a new way to treat heart problems

Our hearts beat all the time, even when we're asleep. To do this, it needs a balance of calcium. A protein called CaMKII helps keep...

Short sleep linked to higher risk of peripheral artery disease

Sleeping less than five hours a night is associated with a 74% increased likelihood of developing peripheral artery disease (PAD), compared to sleeping seven...

Beat the heat with hydrating foods this summer

Staying hydrated can help you live a longer, healthier life. But drinking multiple glasses of water throughout the day isn't for everyone. Health experts say...

The double trouble of high blood pressure and high blood sugar

Around the world, over a billion people have a problem known as high blood pressure or hypertension. A lot of these people live in...