Heart Health

Since losing her mom to heart disease at 53, health and fitness are her...

Sarah Steinsiek grew up in small-town Arkansas watching her mother, Ruthie Hare, join all sorts of fitness groups. Naturally slim, Ruthie especially loved aerobics...

Fish oil supplements can help control high blood pressure

In our quest for better health, natural remedies and supplements have gained a lot of attention. Among them, fish oil supplements stand out, especially when...

Blood thinners are a heart helper with a caution tag

In the world of heart health, blood thinners have been both heroes and subjects of cautionary tales. These medications, crucial for treating and preventing heart...

The psychology of fighting chronic high blood pressure

Living with chronic hypertension is like sailing on a never-ending sea, where calm waters can suddenly turn turbulent without warning. This condition, commonly known as...

Second-hand smoking can trigger heart rhythm disorders

Even a little exposure to secondhand smoke can significantly increase the risk of developing atrial fibrillation, a common and serious heart rhythm disorder. This was...

People with this heart surgery better not take aspirin, study shows

When people have serious heart conditions, doctors often perform a special procedure called percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to open up clogged heart arteries. After...

Why Vitamin D is so important for your heart health

Vitamin D, often hailed as the "sunshine vitamin" due to its production in the skin with sun exposure, has been a topic of much...

The importance of steady blood pressure

Imagine your blood pressure as the ocean's tide, gently ebbing and flowing throughout the day. Just as the tide is influenced by the moon and...

Strategies for managing fluctuating blood pressure

Blood pressure isn't static; it changes throughout the day in response to stress, activity, and even sleep. However, when these fluctuations are significant or unpredictable,...

This daily food can prevent high blood pressure, heart disease

A study from Tufts University has brought to light the positive effects of whole grains on health, particularly for those in their middle years...