Most people with type 2 diabetes have high risk of a fatal heart attack...
In a new study, researchers suggest that preventing heart attacks and strokes in type 2 diabetes patients managed in primary care should be an...
Doing this frequently may help reduce type 2 diabetes
In a recent study at Kohnodai Hospital in Japan, researchers found that regular heat exposure through a hot bath may reduce symptoms in type...
No strong evidence backing herbal medicines for weight loss
In a new study, researchers have conducted the first global review of herbal medicines for weight loss in 19 years, finding insufficient evidence to...
Your age may decide whether diabetes drug metformin is useful or harmful
Metformin is a common type 2 diabetes drug.
Recently, it was found to extend the life span of young non-diabetic animals but the responses of...
Just a few kilograms weight loss could reduce diabetes risk by nearly 50%
In a new study, researchers found that providing support to help people with prediabetes make small changes to their lifestyle, diet and physical activity...
Scientists find a new risk factor of type 2 diabetes
Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep.
The condition can be short-term (acute) or can last a long time...
Calories by the clock? Squeezing most of your calories in early doesn’t affect weight...
In a new study, researchers found restricting meals to early in the day did not affect weight among overweight adults with prediabetes or diabetes.
Chemicals in your living room may cause diabetes, study shows
In a new study, researchers found that flame retardants in nearly every American home could cause diabetes.
These flame retardants, called PBDEs, have been linked...
This common vitamin may protect you from type 2 diabetes
In a recent study at Peking University in Beijing, researchers found higher levels of vitamin D in the body are linked to a lower...
Scientists find new method to treat diabetic eye disease
In a new study, researchers found reported the results of the largest clinical trial for diabetic retinopathy.
The study highlights a new approach that could...