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Water may be an effective treatment for metabolic syndrome, study shows

In a new study, researchers discovered that fructose (i.e. fruit sugar) stimulates the release of vasopressin, a hormone linked to obesity and diabetes. They also...

The earlier type 2 diabetes arises, the deadlier it is

In a new review study, researchers found that the earlier in life type 2 diabetes arises, the deadlier it is. They looked at the results...

Scientists find promising treatment to protect kidney function in diabetes

In a new study, researchers found the potential benefits of new drugs in protecting kidney function in diabetes. They found that combining two treatments that...

Two common health problems may increase risk of COVID-19 brain damage

In a new study, researchers found that Some people with COVID-19 are at higher risk of brain complications like bleeding in the brain and...

Two common drinks may lower death risk in type 2 diabetes

In a new study, Japanese researchers found that drinking plenty of both green tea and coffee is linked to a lower risk of dying...

Dogs and their owners share a risk of developing diabetes, study finds

In a new study, researchers found that owners of a dog with diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes themselves than owners...

These common health problems can triple COVID-19 death risk

In a new study, researchers found that certain pre-existing health conditions may double or triple mortality risk for COVID-19. They confirmed that heart disease, high...

How gum disease may cause metabolic syndrome

Gum disease is known to be a big risk factor of metabolic syndrome, a group of health conditions increasing the risk for heart disease...

This diet may lower diabetes risk by 30%, Harvard study shows

The Mediterranean (MED) diet, rich in olive oil, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, is a recommended way to reduce the risk of heart...

People with this health problem should get COVID-19 vaccine first

In a new study, researchers found have discovered people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes infected with COVID-19 are three times more likely...