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Poor sleep linked with higher blood sugar

People with diabetes have high levels of blood sugar (or blood glucose). When blood sugar builds up too high, it causes harmful effects. A study...

Whole grain could benefit your blood pressure, blood sugar

In a new study from Tufts University, researchers found a higher intake of whole grains (WG) is linked to smaller increases in waist size,...

This blood sugar test can predict memory loss, may show Alzheimer’s disease risk

In a new study from the University of Turku, researchers found that already a higher two-hour glucose level in the glucose tolerance test predicts...

Scientists find a new link between arsenic exposure and type 2 diabetes

In a new study from the University of Arizona, researchers found the biological mechanism linking long-term arsenic exposure to diseases such as cancer and...

Doing this can lower diabetes risk in obese older people

Waist circumference can have an effect on the type of exercise most beneficial for the blood sugar metabolism of an older person. In a new...

Eating this food can cut your diabetes risks, study shows

In a new study from at International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics, researchers found a millet-based diet could lower the risk of...

Standing linked to better insulin function, may help prevent type 2 diabetes

Insulin is a key hormone in energy metabolism and blood sugar regulation. Normal insulin function in the body may be disturbed by e.g. overweight, leading...

This diabetes drug can help people lose weight effectively

In a recent study published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, researchers found that people with Type 2 diabetes who were prescribed...

This study shows a promising new way to treat type 2 diabetes

In a recent study published in Cell Reports, researchers found the liver may hold the key to innovative new treatments. The team had spent the...

Why do people with diabetes develop severe COVID-19?

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, clinicians have noted that certain patients are at especially high risk of developing severe illness or dying from coronavirus infection. Type...