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Scientists find a better drug for type 2 diabetes and weight loss

A new meta-analysis presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes reveals that Tirzepatide outperforms Semaglutide in controlling...

Scientists find a new cause of diabetes

In our body, there's a small, but very important organ called the pancreas. One of its jobs is to make insulin through special cells...

Why exercise can help prevent type 2 diabetes and heart disease

Think you need to be a gym fanatic to dodge lifestyle diseases like type 2 diabetes or heart issues? Good news: a new study...

Research shows best way to help diabetics lose weight

If you have type 2 diabetes, you might find it difficult to lose weight. Traditional advice often focuses on counting calories, but let's be...

Good gut bugs may help fight type 2 diabetes, study finds

Scientists in Japan found a certain kind of good bacteria in our gut that could help us fight off obesity and type 2 diabetes....

Your gene may help find the right diabetes medicine for you

Type 2 diabetes is a health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. There are medications to help control blood sugar levels, like metformin and...

Troubled sleep may be linked to higher risk of type 2 diabetes

As the Christmas holidays approach and we get caught up in the festive frenzy, researchers from the University of South Australia are urging people...

Diabetes linked to this shoulder problem, study finds

Have you ever heard of a "frozen shoulder"? It's when your shoulder hurts so much that you can barely move it. A research team from...

Scientists find how to diagnose diabetes and high blood pressure rapidly

Researchers from The University of Western Australia and Yonsei University in South Korea have unveiled an innovative diagnostic method for diabetes and hypertension that...

How exercise and muscle health can affect diabetes and obesity

In a groundbreaking study, researchers from Helmholtz Munich and the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE) have revealed how exercise affects our muscles...