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This disease linked to memory problems in women

A new study, published in Neurology, suggests a possible link between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and cognitive decline in middle age. The research highlights a...

These common drugs linked to memory problems

Medicines can be lifesavers, but sometimes they have unexpected side effects. A recent study at the University of California, San Diego, highlights this with a...

People living in these places in the US have highest Alzheimer’s risk

A recent study has shed light on the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease across the United States, revealing significant regional differences. The East and Southeast regions...

Stroke survivors could have 3 times higher risk of dementia, study finds

A recent study has found a concerning link between stroke and an increased risk of developing dementia. It shows that this risk is most acute...

When dementia takes a sudden turn: understanding the causes

Dementia is a condition that gradually affects the brain, leading to memory loss, difficulties with thinking, problem-solving, and language. It is a progressive condition,...

Can dementia be reversed?

When we hear about dementia, it often comes with a feeling of permanence, a condition that gradually takes away memory, thinking abilities, and other...

Poor sleep means poor brain health, study finds

Sleep is something we all need, but did you know it's not just about feeling rested? A recent study has shown that how much...

Dementia is a modern disease, study shows

Recent research led by the University of Southern California (USC) has offered a fascinating insight into the history of dementia, particularly in the context...

New brain imaging breakthrough for detecting mild brain injuries

Researchers have made a significant leap in brain injury diagnosis with a novel brain imaging method. This new technique is especially useful for detecting mild...

How to keep memory sharp in older age

Many older adults often worry about their memory and thinking abilities. As we get older, it's common to forget things now and then. This mild...