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Ancient Roman glass turns into a modern-day marvel, shows study

Have you ever wondered what happens to old, broken glass? Two scientists at Tufts University made a groundbreaking discovery using a sparkling piece of ancient...

Scientists discover Europe’s oldest cannon in Swedish waters

Imagine going for a dive and discovering something amazing on the ocean floor. That's what happened in Sweden, where a diver found what might be...

How flowering plants became nature’s survivors after dinosaurs went extinct

Did you know that flowering plants are like the superheroes of the plant world? A new study shows that they managed to survive the massive...

If neutron stars have mountains, they should generate gravitational waves

A neutron star is 2 solar masses compressed into a ball only 12 kilometers wide. Its surface gravity is so immense it compresses atoms and...

The secrets in stone: How ancient Namibian rock art tells more than we thought

Have you ever doodled a footprint or an animal paw in the sand or on paper? Imagine someone doing something similar, but on a rock,...

This 265-million-year-old mega predator ruled South America before dinosaurs, shows study

Before the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, there was an even older, super big predator that owned the land. Scientists have discovered an amazing fossil of...

Hidden treasures unearthed: A Spanish cave holds ancient art 24,000 years old!

Imagine walking through a cave and suddenly discovering a wall full of ancient paintings! Well, that's what happened in Spain. Scientists found a 500-meter-long cave...

Silicon Valley investors want to create a new city – is ‘California Forever’ a...

He was, said George Bernard Shaw, “one of those heroic simpletons who do big things whilst our prominent worldlings are explaining why they are...

Every night and every morning, the moon rumbles with tiny quakes

The Moon was geologically active between 3.7 and 2.5 billion years ago, experiencing quakes, volcanic eruptions, and outgassing. Thanks to the Moon being an airless...

Scientists discover the secrets of Lost City of the Incas

Machu Picchu is a famous ancient city in the mountains of Peru. It's a big tourist spot, and many people wonder who used to live...